Saturday, November 3, 2007

This is my favorite way to waste time.


Assess This!

So what's new?

Work has been busy, school has been busy, and life has been busy. I've had at least 2 events each weekend the past two weekend - which means no sitting around in my pj's watching a marathon of "America's Next Top Model." Not that I would ever do that as a self-respecting educational scholar and defender of women's rights. But hey, we all have our weak moments.

I'm working right now on developing some more robust assessment methods for our program. While grades aren't the only thing that should inspire students to achieve in your classroom, it will certainly curtail the losers who don't even show up. I think there is one girl I haven't seen in a month. At least.

One thing I'm trying to do is incorporate corporate (hahaha - inCORPorate CORPorate) assessment methods into our curriculum. A blend of academic and professional assessments of the students can not only provide them the knowledge that we're looking at what they're doing, but also with knowledge about how companies assess performance.

Any thoughts? I know I have some regular readers out there in the "real world."