Friday, May 29, 2009

21 days to go? I'm going to seriously freak out soon.

I just checked out wedding website, and there are 21 days to go until our wedding. Yikes. There are so many stupid little things to do, like glue ribbon onto programs and get a freaking marriage license. Change my name. Pack for St. Martin. Finish my comp questions. Move. Unpack. Clean both the new kitchen and the old kitchen. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The big move is tomorrow

The big move happens tomorrow. Most of our stuff is already in boxes. Now I'm sitting at my desk, clearly not yet packed. Hopefully I can do this with some sort of expediency.

It's crazy to think that by tomorrow, instead of 3 cramped rooms and a kitchen we'll be in 6 rooms, kitchen, basement with our own coat closet, linen closet, and laundry room. Wow.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Car inspection fail

I walked out yesterday morning and had a $50 ticket on my car because when I failed inspection, they gave me 20 days to fix the problem. Given the number of balls in the air, you can imagine this did not happen. So I let the ball drop. $50 fine, please.

What's extra special is that because I drive a 10-year old car, the part is taking a week to come in. This meant an extra trip to the DMV - Half Street (unlike most states, DC has one location for all car inspections) this morning so they could re-fail my car, thereby saving me from tickets for the next 20 days.

Because over the next 20 days, it's not like I have much else going on.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

our own tv show

When our realtor told us that we should have our own tv show because we were getting married and buying a house in the space of less than two months, I thought, oh, whatever, we can handle it.

As I sat in the house last night staring at the walls covered in spackle, having just got off the phone with my mother to discuss centerpieces and pondering both the shower thank-yous I have yet to write and my still unfinished comp question, I began to reconsider his idea. Only now all I can think is, HELP!!!

If B and I don't strangle each other before we get to the altar, I really think we'll be avle to make it through anything.

Deep breath. Ok. On to dissertation interviews, can inspection, and more sanding.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I need one. Even just a mental vacation. I'm at this point mentally incapable of doing any meaningful work. Which is difficult, because I still have 1 comp question to finish and two interviews for the dissert (I like saying it that way, reminds me of dessert) on Thursday.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a quick link about my new neighborhood....

Hoping to post some pics of the new house soon. So you can see the before, the "broom swept condition" that we got it to after a week and a half of work, and, hopefully, the transformation.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ugh. Thai Noodle Cart lunch is officially YUCK.

This is what I am currently eating for a 3:30pm lunch, and it is just awful. It's my own fault, because I didn't want to walk downstairs to the MBA kitchen to heat up this. It could have something to do with the fact that I followed boiling water directions but the water I used isn't really boiling, it's just the hot water that comes from the water cooler. Oh the glamorous academic life - Thai Noodle Cart instant noodles while you're writing comp questions on a Sunday afternoon in your messy, messy office.

Back to Portelli and the intersection between text and voice.

Second comp question and learning about bulk trash removal - oh the dichotomies of my life

Using Alistair Thompson's article "Four Paradigm Transformations in Oral History" (Oral History Review 2007 34(1):49-70) as a starting point, what are the methods of creating oral history for the fourth paradigm transformation, the digital era? What are the ethical implications of using these new technologies to create oral history?

DC Bulk Trash Removal (Tuesdays for me - call 311 to make appointment)
Best Shop Vacs (for cleaning up crap in a 68 year old Rosedale row house)

Friday, May 8, 2009

I was going to write something about hyperliteracy...

I'm remembering (vaguely) on my way to an event where I mingled with potential dissertation informants that I wrote something in my mini notebook about hyperliteracy. Now I'm working on my comp question and wondering what that was about. Something about facebook? Who knows. Hyperliteracy, people. I'm coining it here and now (but I'm sure it's already been coined.) I just can't win.