Friday, April 30, 2010

New home for Symbol and Substance

After toying with the site for a long long while, I've decided to transfer my blog to Wordpress at It's basically the same blog but there's a better format for pictures and I think the potential for more traffic. Although right now I have a new post and the stupid thing isn't loading. Whatever.

I've also made a small title change, "Symbol and Sustenance" based on my desire to make it more focused around both my dissertation and my cooking. So although changing the name entirely to Dissertation and Dinner was tempting, I thought a tweak to my old blog name was more clever.

Yeah, I said it, I'm clever. How's that for some arrogance. Anyway, check it out.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

a new way to blog

I downloaded an app onto my new phone that will supposedly help me blog more frequently. so just testing it out!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Week

That could be a Batman-esque exclamation. Holy WEEK, Robin!

It's not, however, in this case. It's actually Holy Week. Tomorrow I'm having a fish-fry lunch with my coworker and doing stations of the cross, hopefully.

Today I'm going to write not about Holy Week, but about distractions and my dissertation.

I've re-discovered Google Reader as a way to keep up with good blogs and other things I read on a regular basis. I follow a variety of blogs, from Lifehacker to BlissTree to Carrots 'N' Cake. I actually just got distracted for 5 minutes when I surfed to Lifehacker to get the link, and started reading about how to make better passwords.

Yet another distraction - one of my students just walked by my office and said "Nicole!" Kind of a drive by hello. I have no idea who that was. Then another student came in looking for a professor.

So, my life is a mess of distractions for two simple reasons: I'm an information junkie and I work with college students. I'd also like to be a better blogger but I'm erratic and, well, have a dissertation to write, so blogging always feels like something I shouldn't do. Yet there's women out there who are working at multiple places, writing books, raising children, and managing to eek out 5-8 blog posts a day. It's not a matter of having the time, it's deciding what you're going to do with that time.

Which brings me to...

I had a nice breakthrough on my dissertation when I had Spring Break off, an entire week of uninterrupted time where I could work on my literature review. Now I'm back in the doledrums. The problem, quite simply, is that I just don't make the time.

So finding a way to make the time is my next goal. We'll see how it goes.