Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Week

That could be a Batman-esque exclamation. Holy WEEK, Robin!

It's not, however, in this case. It's actually Holy Week. Tomorrow I'm having a fish-fry lunch with my coworker and doing stations of the cross, hopefully.

Today I'm going to write not about Holy Week, but about distractions and my dissertation.

I've re-discovered Google Reader as a way to keep up with good blogs and other things I read on a regular basis. I follow a variety of blogs, from Lifehacker to BlissTree to Carrots 'N' Cake. I actually just got distracted for 5 minutes when I surfed to Lifehacker to get the link, and started reading about how to make better passwords.

Yet another distraction - one of my students just walked by my office and said "Nicole!" Kind of a drive by hello. I have no idea who that was. Then another student came in looking for a professor.

So, my life is a mess of distractions for two simple reasons: I'm an information junkie and I work with college students. I'd also like to be a better blogger but I'm erratic and, well, have a dissertation to write, so blogging always feels like something I shouldn't do. Yet there's women out there who are working at multiple places, writing books, raising children, and managing to eek out 5-8 blog posts a day. It's not a matter of having the time, it's deciding what you're going to do with that time.

Which brings me to...

I had a nice breakthrough on my dissertation when I had Spring Break off, an entire week of uninterrupted time where I could work on my literature review. Now I'm back in the doledrums. The problem, quite simply, is that I just don't make the time.

So finding a way to make the time is my next goal. We'll see how it goes.

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