Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dinner Party Post-Mortem

So the chicken poached in milk was a success. I do not have any pictures, unfortunately. I doubled the recipe and it worked out great. The only thing I didn't do, which I should have, is use the sauce. I was a little worried about serving the curdled milk to guests, but it wasn't even that curdled and it smelled great.

On the side we had broccoli and mashed red potatoes, with some of the skins left on. We served a Sancerre wine, I had two glasses so I'm feeling a little sleepy but going to push through and try to get some more of this lit review done!

BTW go health care, it's certainly far from perfect but we need to VOTE YES. I have some funny stories about the tea party protesters we saw as we took our Saturday evening stroll around the hill. We were at Good Stuff Eatery and a guy, some sort of press type with a badge, blue blazer, and khakis was sitting near us. Some protesters walked by, with totally reasonable signs like, "Don't Tread on Me" or "You're not American if you believe in health care" (ok, it didn't say that, but it was to that effect) walked by, and one said to him "Vote no!!" The guy's reaction, which was to shrug with his hands out like a question, was great. I told him it was the blue blazer. Because everyone on the Hill in a blue blazer is a Congressman.

The protesters in general were a) white; b) over 40; and c) either well-to-do baby boomers or people that hang out in motorcycle bars. Strange bedfellows. Their numbers on the hill were dwarfed the next day (today) by the immigrant reform marchers; I saw more of them at RFK Metro Stop than all the tea partiers on the hill. Because at the end of the day, the young, multicultural and multiracial people of this nation are the future, not the old haters. So much of the tea party rhetoric is tinged with racism, it really upsets me. I just keep telling myself that the rhetoric of hope and optimism will win out. I have to believe that my children will grow up in a more tolerant world than the one I did, where anyone can be president and we don't hate people because their first language isn't English. I look at my students and that's who they are, and they're smarter than I'll ever be, so I just have to believe in them.

So Si, Se Puede!!!

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