Friday, November 10, 2006

Democrats and Higher Ed

First, a colleague of mine tipped me off to the great "Inside Higher Ed" emails you can sign up for. Since my interests are kind of K-16 (mostly centered around foreign language ed policy, as many of you know), I like to sort of scan the field and see how everything works together for or against foreign language. If you like getting little sound bites, go to Inside Higher Ed and sign up for their emails. It's cheaper than subscribing to the Chronicle of Higher Education, in any case.

In my inbox today was a comprehensive report of how Democrats in Congress will change higher education. It seems they want to make college more affordable (which the article says will be very expensive), but also will not let up on accountability for higher ed, which has university types quaking in their boots. Hey, as long as it doesn't turn into No Undergrad Left Behind, I think we might be ok. We'll see.

"Colleges and the New Congress." (Lederman, D. Inside Higher Ed. Nov. 8, 2006.)

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