Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Benefits to Society?

This article
demonstrates how far we have come from Horace Mann's common school as a place that prepared children for society, an endeavor we used to all feel we had a stake in. Not anymore, at least not out west. "What do I care if the kids can read?" the Scottsdale retiree says.

Well, if they can't read, and they can't find work, and you have a million-dollar house, then sir, they might just come rob you. It's in all of our interest to educate our children - as you and I grow old, they'll be finding cures for our Twinkie-Cheeto-and-Cell-Phone-Bluetooth induced diseases. Or they can rob us and steal our car and be on welfare (which you, I might point out, sir, also don't want to pay for).


"A School District with Low Taxes and No Schools." (Steinhauer, J. The New York Times. Feb. 16th, 2007.)

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