Sunday, February 4, 2007

Update on the Internship thing

Happy Superbowl. I'd be watching it, but I can't see through the foggy camera lenses.

I was wrong about the reasons why internships during the school year aren't allowed for our majors. Apparently, it has to do with the faculty members - since a faculty member must be the one to supervise the internship, many departments no longer allow their teachers to do it. Supervising internships takes away from the academic subjects the students need to learn during the school year. Since so many departments stopped allowing it, to not disadvantage the other majors, it became a school-wide policy.

That's the story. But try explaining it to the one guy who wants the internship during the year, because Merrill Lynch won't pay him to do cold calling but they still want free labor. It appears clear to me who the real culprit is here.

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