Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

When my boyfriend was away taking bar classes every weekend, on Friday nights I would order takeout and watch "Cops" and "America's Most Wanted." It's definitely lowbrow compared to when I lived along and watched, at the very least, CSI.

Now I come to discover that this is a guilty pleasure for many. 5 million people a week watch it! And mostly because of the lovable criminals. One I watched recently featured a lady who beat up her boyfriend and got arrested for it. They came to the trailer park, and heard "both sides of the story" from the slightly drunk suspects. At the end the encounter dissolved into the boyfriend saying, "I love her but she beats me!" Now that's entertainment.

"For 20 Years, A Pleasure So Guilty it's Criminal." (Carlson, P. The Washington Post. 2/19/08)

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