Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I moved apartments. I love where we're living now (well, except for the ants and the fact we have no gas, therefore no way to cook). And we're on Capitol Hill - it feels like, for the first time, that I live in DC and not some anonymous (noisy) city. It's actually a lot quieter where we live - peaceful, really.

Summer's a slow time to work at a University. It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that there's a lack of urgency to do it. Which means I'll spend August running around like the sky is falling, but oh well. Between moving and my statistics class and my mom getting injured this weekend, there's not been any time to care that much about work. I'll be down in Florida tending to my mom who shattered her ankle and can't put any pressure on it for at least two weeks. Of course, I can only go down for a couple of days but I suppose it's better than nothing. At least I can cook some food and freeze it for her to make life easier for a bit.

Life feels like a bit of a struggle right now. There's a lot that is new on the horizon, with the new apartment and more. I'm trying to work as hard and fast as I can on finishing my PhD, but life keeps getting in the way. There's never enough time or money. When I was little my grandma told me that you either have time or money. How come it feels like I have neither?

I'm also worried that as time passes, these trips like the one I'm taking to take care of Mom will become more and more frequent. I don't even have children yet, and already I'm starting to need to take care of my mom. I know there's a lot of good in the future for me, but I also see the challenges starting to take shape. Luckily I can bear them with a good teammate, B.

But I am a little scared, I have to admit.

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