Monday, September 25, 2006

Blogging made easy?

You know what I want? I want blogging to be easier. I want, when I'm reading a blog post, to be able to click on something that will automatically go to my blog, make a link to that post, and then write something about it. For example, I saw some sort of blog entry on a bilingual education blog that began with "Did you know that in most other countries outside of the United States, a second language is compulsory at the elementary level?" and I wanted to comment, um, get a new argument, because no one cares about that one. Did you all see what happened when the Supreme Court cited international examples in deciding the case about minor executions? (or was it mentally handicapped people executions? I don't remember.) In any case, no one cares what the heck (I would be more vulgar, you know me, but this is public space. Restraint.) they do in other countries, so find a new argument.

Well, I can't blog, eat, and fight off my cat from my dinner anymore. So someone make blogging easier. Please.

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