Wednesday, September 27, 2006

On the blog again...

I know, my last post was about 5 minutes ago. And now I have that Willie Nelson song in my head, but as it was played in the "NORML" public service announcement everyone used to play on WUTS, the Sewanee radio station. I had a show entirely of French music. It was cool. Anyway, totally off topic....

Conservatives are disagreeing with each other about a national curriculum and national test. Some, like William Bennett and Rod Paige have come out for both, while Neal McCluskey of the Cato Institute is totally against. Basically, conservatives can't decide if now that they have power over, oh, everything, if they should use the power or if they should stick to their principles and root for small government - even if it means they can't give all their buddies jobs. I think it's easy to see how and why they no longer want "small government" and less spending.

Read the articles and see what you think. Personally, I like the idea of a national curriculum. Shakespeare for everyone! Algebra and geometry for everyone! French for everyone! Grammar for everyone! Latin for everyone! Wow, the fun I could have making up a national curriculum. Little tykes everywhere memorizing Latin poetry. It's a beautiful thing.

"They're All Federal Educators Now." (McCluskey, N. National Review Online. September 25th, 2006).

"Why We Need a National School Test." (Bennett, W. J. and Rod Paige. The Washington Post. September 21st, 2006. Page A25.)

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