Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls...

Oh, wait, that would be a different post.

This is all over the place! Well, not so much. From Newsweek to the Today Show, educators have lamented the tragic decline of boys in our schools. They're seen as "faulty girls." (Well, aren't they?). They need to run around. They need more variety in activity. The presentation on "how we should teach boys" struck me as "how we should teach," regardless of gender.

According to a report from The Education Sector, entitled "The Truth about Boys and Girls" (I sense gender bias! They put boys first!), boys are making substantial gains; however, girls are making them faster. Lower-income and minority boys (and girls) are the ones who are falling behind in school. So something the popular media has portrayed as a gender difference is a socio-economic and race difference. Maybe we're just tired of talking about those.

When I read the full report, I will give you a full report! Because I care.

"The Truth about Boys and Girls." (Mead, S. 2006. The Education Sector. Washington, DC)

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