Monday, June 12, 2006

Quant and Cell Phones

So, for my new research methods class, I'm reading this fascinating article regarding summative and formative assessments in foreign language. It's an empirical study in which they quantify the value of formative assessments using a latent covariable equation, and the latentljs;dfkwoeirujlisdfnsxncjklfkjkrltjlwkerujoiwejrlkj

What? I think I just blacked out. (Sorry, B., to steal your joke). Yeah, I don't know that I'll be doing any quantitative studies soon. Wow. What is a latent covariable?

In more exciting and generally less useful news, the front page of the NYT has a very amusing article about children and cell phones.

"A Ring Tone Meant to Fall on Deaf Ears" (New York Times, June 12th, 2006)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooh..I saw this article, the sad part was that I could hear the are not supposed to hear it if you are an "adult"..guess I don't qualify yet :) As for research methods..I am with you on teh quantatative mumbo jumbo..yuck!