Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dinner FAIL

I forgot to write about my utter dinner failure on Monday night. I wanted to make a fish and kale dish with curry. Rather than get tilapia, I splurged and bought cod, thinking it was a more high-quality fish. I don't know if it's how I cooked it or the fish itself, but it totally turned to mush in my frying pan. I oversalted the dish as well, and managed to undercook the brown rice as well as oversalt it. I picked out all the kale and fed the rest to the cat and the garbage disposal. My DH ate it, but definitely not one of my better dishes.

Not only did dinner (literally, at least the fish) fall apart in salty mush, but I attempted to make the Vanilla Pudding I made for my Coconut Layer Cake and also failed. I don't know what went wrong, but instead of using all half-and-half I attempted to use some of the 2% milk that we need to use up in the mix (so 1 cup half&half and one cup milk). Trying to do too many things at once - clean up, cook dinner, let out the dog, etc and the milk mixture first boiled over. Then I took it off to let it steep with some green tea, thinking I would make green tea pudding. When I put it back on with the cornstarch mixture and let it simmer, it never came together like pudding and was gross and lumpy. I don't know if it was the fact that the milk boiled over, or that I used 2% milk, or what.

Well, so that was Monday. I ended up eating the kale (which, despite all else, was really good) and a bowl of cereal. I woke up this morning super hungry.

Tonight I made chicken and dumplings, which turned out remarkably better, although this time I didn't salt it enough. Generally on weeknights I just don't take the time to taste, taste, taste because I'm trying to do too many other things while cooking. Focusing on cooking is relaxing, and I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world to have more dishes to clean up afterward.

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