Thursday, February 11, 2010

Seven Minute Pink Coconut Frosting

Get ready for pinkness.

1 1/2 c sugar
2 egg whites (the ones you saved from making the cake)
2 T light corn syrup (again, something I randomly had around and was excited to get to use)
1/2 t vanilla extract
1/3 c water
Pinch salt

Put all ingredients in a metal bowl that will fit into a pot except for the vanilla and salt. You're going to double boil the mixture as you're making it. Fill the pot with a couple inches of water and bring to a boil. Before setting the mixture into the boiling water, mix with a hand mixer so ingredients combine. Then place in the boiling water and mix until fluffy and white, about 7 minutes. Hence the name. At the end, mix in about 4 drops of red food coloring to get a light pink (use more if you like!). Remove frosting from double boiler and stir in about 1/2 a cup of shredded coconut.

Here's the trick: it really is easier to have a hand mixer (rather than a stand mixer) for this one. Basically I ended up taking the bowl back and forth from the boiling water, whisking it while it heated, and then running it back to the stand mixer to mix at high speed for a couple minutes. It worked out anyway, but I got pretty tired by the end.

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