Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tip of the Day

A good marriage is when you build on each others ideas. I had set up Pandora on my netbook while I was making dinner. My dh then said, "Why don't we find the cord and hook this up to the Bose?" We searched in several places and found the cord, and voila, we had music that sounded great and was free, with the exception of a few commercials.

From 2010-02-12

A while back our computers both busted with our entire collection of iTunes on them, and both of our iPods made that sad iPod face, so we've been without music since 2 apartments ago. I think the last time we had music from an iPod was for our 2008 Christmas party. I'm less convinced of Apple's quality than most other people seem to be, since what it seems like is that you pay more for a product that lasts the same amount of time as PCs.

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