Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Evaluation in Higher Education

I've noticed that although we are crazy about evaluation at the K-12 level, there seems to be little to none done on evaluation at the higher education level. Maybe I need to do some more research (as I've found, this is usually the case.)

As usual, I'm interested in qualitative analysis (which, though possibly more time-consuming, produces more fruitful and student-centered results in my opinion). Last year at my college there was some upset because of a report in Business Week that basically resulted from a few unhappy undergraduates filling out the BW survey. At the faculty meeting where it was discussed I thought that a mass ethnography project might be in order. I didn't suggest it because people might have looked at me like I belonged in a hippie commune, but I think some type of ethnography (or a combination of observational methods and focus groups with a set of surveys to follow) might be the key to understanding the student experience.

That's my two cents for the day. Now time for a nap. (I wish.)

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