Monday, July 13, 2009

A Theme?

Another plane crash dream last night. This time it was kind of like that plane that landed in the Hudson. For some reason I went into the plane afterwards and people seemed to be OK. Weird. If it were just the same plane crash again and again, I might get more used to it, but each time it is a different situation. Something is so terrifying about watching the free fall from air. Also, since is a huge fear of mine, I think it makes it that much worse. Not that anyone would really enjoy dreaming about plane crashes.

I had a great weekend, beautiful backyard Baltimore wedding, but no progress of any kind with the comp question. Some progress on the house though (not that I personally made it, that would be the DH) but I did clean, do laundry and go grocery shopping for the week.

Hopefully can get back to it this evening, although given my sleepless night, we'll see how it goes.

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