Friday, July 7, 2006

Don't click if you're easily frightened

Jesus, Mary and Joseph - can someone get this woman a peanut butter sandwich?

And she is, apparently, a plagiarizer, according to the uber-reputable New York Post. But wait... doesn't Rupert Murdoch own that? So... apparently attacking Ann Coulter can sell some newsprint. Which, I remind you, is a horrible, horrendous waste of resources and is destroying the environment as we speak. Newspapers kill babies, too. Can you believe it? How horrible.

In the article they write than Ann Coulter is trying to look like an academic, but fails. You're just a shrill, Annie, and you know it. Only we doctoral students are the real experts. Or not, depending on your epistemology. This came up in class yesterday - I'm like, wait, so I've gotten all this education and I would have been smarter if I'd stayed in Orlando and worked at Disney? Can't we at least use "expert" as a relative term? Like, ok, I know more about this that at least 20 other people? I'm off topic. You have no idea what I'm saying. Let's go back to Annie. Annie, you're a sad, sad woman.

But true to form, how someone looks is so much more important to me. I think I'd dislike Ann Coulter much less if she weren't so frightening to look at.

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