Friday, July 7, 2006

"White Guilt"

Is that like Privileged White Boy syndrome?

Shelby Steele has come out with a new book, and you can read excerpts of it here. I'm going to check it out as soon as it's in the library (not being one to afford the luxury of my own books these days! Unless their statistics textbooks. Sigh.)

Steele is a fellow at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank based at Stanford. I have to say that I learn so much more from my Hoover Institute daily report than anything from the stupid American Progress report I get all the time. Basically they tell me where I can go drink free beer in DC with a bunch of interns and how dumb Republicans are. Um, that's not helpful. I'll have to see if Brookings or one of the "liberal" think tanks has a daily report. Wait, is Brookings liberal? I can't keep it all straight anymore.

Hello to any new readers from my summer class - thanks for stopping by!

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