Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Henry is also the son of a terrorist prostitute

But because my cat doesn't speak English (or really, Human), he did not head butt me for saying so. Zizou, however, did. Those racist Italians, I tell ya. Spittin' and cussin' all over the place. (I can't remember who it was that said that "cussing" was an uneducated Southern term, so to please them I stopped using it. Obviously, I have changed my mind. I mean, you didn't grow up talking about people "Cussin' each other out"?)

Zizou said that he apologizes to all the fans and the children watching, but that he doesn't regret his action because that would mean "he who said it was right to say it." You can listen to something once, twice, but if the person keeps repeating it...

It shows you can never ignore who you are and where you came from. Those roots, that little child will always resurface at the most inopportune time.

Zinedine s'excuse mais ne regrette rien. (Le Monde, 12 juillet 2006)

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