Monday, July 31, 2006

Thanks, Diane Ravitch!

So, thanks, Diane Ravitch, for reading BusinessWeek's coverage of Bill Gates and his mixed result of success in educational endeavors and summarizing it for us in the L.A. Times a month and a half later! Wow, what would we have done without you? Not, perhaps, read Nicole's brilliant summary written right after the appearance of the story on the web. See, it just goes to show you that the Hoover Foundation should make me a fellow.

In any case, I love Ravitch's "scary" final statement to her piece: "In light of the size of the foundation's endowment, Bill Gates is now the nation's superintendent of schools. He can support whatever he wants, based on any theory or philosophy that appeals to him. We must all watch for signs and portents to decipher what lies in store for American education." Oooooooh. Scaaarrryy. They're actually going to make a horror film and call it "The Superintendent."

"Bill Gates, The Nation's Superintendent of Schools." (Ravitch, D. The L.A. Times. July 30th, 2006.) Free subscription required.

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