Thursday, July 6, 2006

Wait... Immigrants can learn English?

Who knew? Good teaching techniques actually work!

I am desperate to start a program like this in DC, but terrified at the same time - I don't want to go it alone, and I'm afraid of committing myself where there is an obvious need and feeling overwhelmed. What this guy does, though, is great, and wouldn't take that many resources. I've always felt that successful language teaching is more about giving students the confidence to speak. They're going to make mistakes, but it's not the end of the world as long as you're communicating.

Unless, of course, you're in a higher level French university course where your professor will take about 20 minutes of class time ridiculing your accent. That would be the opposite of inspiring confidence. Thankfully, I already spoke French well enough to be able to call him a "connard."

"Breaking the Language Barrier in Six Months." (Winter, E. The Capital Times from Madison, WI. If you happen to live in Madison and are interested in teaching, there's some contact information available.)

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