Friday, July 7, 2006

So, no, I'm not making it up

My brain is fried from posting grades. And I still have 10 more to do before my work is done!

However, I am going to take a very quick break and reveal to you the "checklist" I discovered for male privilege. Now, don't get me wrong - I love the male. Gotta love the male. Love dads, guy friends, boyfriends, etc. But how many of the guys I love have a. been paid less for doing the same job; b. been sexually harassed by a work collegue; c. been followed and harassed by men on the street since the age of 13; or d. paid ridiculous prices for dry-cleaned clothes? Because all of this has happened to me. I'm not saying I don't benefit from the occasional eyelash-bat to get a free drink (or, one time, a free train ticket into NYC from Long Island) but all-in-all I'd rather have the higher salary.

I don't agree with everything on this list, but some of the items are pretty good. And shush - y'all don't get drafted anymore, and you know it.

Oh, and this one happens to me all the time. I think I'm going to start saying "I'll smile when you go away." Of course, sometimes it's these nice old grandfather type men, and I always smile for them because I feel bad and what could it hurt anyway?

44. Complete strangers generally do not walk up to me on the street and tell me to “smile.”

Some of the items on the list are ridiculous and over-sensitive in my opinion, so don't write me about how you don't agree with #32 or whatever.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see a link to the checklist

Anonymous said...

bu the way that was from the Duck