Friday, July 28, 2006

Blog War!

Somehow I can never find my friend D.'s comments when she posts them. In any case, she took offence to some comments I made in my public vs. private debate. You can see her thoughts here.

I'm not sure why, but I have felt particularly uncreative of late. Hmmm. I do have some funny events that happened in my office yesterday, but I'm occupied with practical matters today, like how to pay the rent for August (oops - hope I can!) and filling out my student loan paperwork for the upcoming school year. Rent needs to be paid, books need to be bought, and a girl needs to have a little fun here and there. So I'm off to do that, and I'll comment on D.'s post and other things when I have a little more down time.


Anonymous said...

I love teaching...I really do. And I think I'm good at it. I also have a master's in my disicpline and took those education classes. Teachers need to know how to teach, not just your subject (which is what you like) but your children (which is what they need). I doubt, however, that my classes in education helped me at all. They were pretty much useless.

BTW, teachers are not underpaid. For people who work 9-10 month per year, their salaries are commensurate with the national norms. In fact, starting teachers in certain schools districts (and no, not just the really high class ones) can earn the 10-month equivalent of a salary which is dramatically higher than the $43,000 national average. I'm sick of teachers complaining about salaries...instead of unionizing to get $10 more off of healthcare and organizing strikes, why don't we form professional organizations, create journals, create real, meaningful professional development, and do the other imporant work that the professions who ARE paid higher have done to take themselves seriously!

Anonymous said...

i`m your permanent reader now